10 thoughts on “Adult Baby Girl For Sale

  1. Here's something to get you in the Christmas spirit: https://mega.co.nz/#!0dsCyIbS!aNFCrC4ulZ3yBqanDieyQ1V2fckGxNJNv12zBji_CVY

    It's a large file, but well worth your time. It's this film: http://highav.com/h_548khm014-%E5%A4%A7%E4%BA%BAbaby%E5%8F%96%E3%82%8A%E9%81%95%E3%81%88%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6-%E5%BE%8C%E7%B7%A8/

    It's actually a sequel. From what I can gather the storyline involves a woman assigned to adjust the attitude of girl, but she accidentally performs it on the sister. In the preview for the first film, we see her use a needle on the girl that immobilizing her. She's also force fed a bottle. This video picks up where that one left off.

    It's about 40 minutes long. There are two “bonus videos” at the end, though neither is that exciting. (Just so you aren't surprised when the first film ends.)

    Feel free to share this with your readers, and see if anyone speaks Japanese and would be willing to translate some of it.


  2. I want to start the new year by saying I love your work and please please please please publish more of Shipped Away! If you put it on Lulu or Amazon or someplace else, please let us know!!

  3. I hope you're working on something excited. Or, if life is keeping you too busy to do that, I hope you have time soon.

    Take care.


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