Miley Cyrus a celebrity AB?

So about all I know about Miley Cyprus are jokes from a cartoon supervillain about Hannah Montana concerts. But she has made comments in her adult life about supposedly being an adult baby, plus has dressed in a few, well, interesting outfits…

Well perhaps most interestingly are a few pictures she’s put up, where she appears to have gone much further along those lines. I doubt regular people are entirely ready for it, but it might be interesting to see how far a celebrity can get away with it.

The woman bottlefeeding her is apparently her mother. Well, perhaps her mother found out, and told Miley in no uncertain terms that she would be getting the full treatment, getting to become her precious baby girl again, if that’s what she wanted.

edit: And the video’s here, special thanks to martin petersen for the reminder.

Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader (cross-post from John Madix Smith’s TF)

John Madix Smith’s TF posted this mention of a (truly beyond awful cheese) movie called Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader.

I’ll let his write-up describe the movie, but people might be interested in the ending, where both the protagonist and the antagonist are hit with a serum to reverse their sizes, and one ends up shrinking a bit further…

The movie is available to watch on youtube.

Infantilist Cartoon Character

Pink Diaper’s DeviantArt Blog lead me to stumbling across this video involving a lesbian adult baby character and her caretaker, as part of the official story, which I thought was pretty neat. She’s only a secondary character, but it’s still not something which I would have expected to see handled seriously, rather than as a joke.

edit: Since the video disappeared from youtube, I’ve uploaded a version to blogger here, which unfortunately reduces the quality: